I'm sure this didn't take you long to make.
I'm sure this didn't take you long to make.
not bad
I agree with compdude, that caterpillar was cute, the jazz music was nice, but I think the file size is mostly due to the music, cause the caterpillar is just hanging out on the tree branch wiggling it's abdomen, while the music just plays. More effort needed.
"I want to cut holes in my classmates"? What was that about? Looks like a start of a flash but ended too soon.
This was so so, just a skater skating and falling on his head.
This was one was a little funny, funny because the sound was so annoying.
nothing good here, pointless and stupid.
I gave u a slightly higher review score cause I thought the check if ur feces are healthy bit was funny. Who would ever think of examining them based on if they float, how hard they were, or how much they weighed.....umm, maybe doctors, they're sick fucks.
My most recent flashes were "Call Light Resonse" in 2013 & "Ghost Motel 11" in 2005. I have been gone for awhile (2005-2011). Any posts or reviews made by "Violet-AIM" from 5-05 to 01-30-11 were not from me since somebody else got into my account
Joined on 11/14/00