Poor Charlie, he has no eyes. Well this is a really strange flash, had some funny parts, I like it.
Poor Charlie, he has no eyes. Well this is a really strange flash, had some funny parts, I like it.
Thanks for the review. If you haven't seen Guinness Prime Time ep1 you should, also in that episode you can see how Charlie lost his eyes.
Neat unique characters, good fight scenes, decent amount of violence. I even liked that bonus "a word from our censors" part, that was funny.
I agree with the others...needs to be longer and have more of a definite story.
Funny flash with a funny audio. I'm glad you got it to survive this time. The graphics could be slightly better but it's decent and entertaining enough.
what the fuck are you trying to say, nigga! Are you saying you like it. Then why did you give it a 6! Next time give it a motherfucking 10. Can i get 10! yeah that is right... i seen this other dumb fucking one, and it got a 10 by people just cuz it showed some fat fucking smoking weed, it wasn't even funny. What dorks! Whoa he's smoking weed let's give it a 10. Fucking losers. No offense to you Violet, i just wanted to leave some shit.
Nice peaceful flash with changing scenaries. The scenary/animation went well with the words of the poem.
Very professional looking. Comic book like art and story. Excellent voices. Intriguing, stylish, artsy, this movie is quite entertaining. It's been awhile since you last sent pt.3. Glad you are still making these. Good work!!
The idea of people getting scared about pencils is so ridiculous that it's funny!! LOL
Decent stick movie. It had good animation, despite it just being a stick beating up other sticks. Amusing little flash.
I like the Rocketship Monkey's always something different in each episode, the only thing the same is the monkey character. Just one thing, what happened to episode 3? You jumped from 2 to 4.
Really's something different and I can't help but want to see more of this story. But I don't get what's with the fetus stuff, I think I saw one in the 1st one. And in this episode, towards the end, the fetus is the fuel and then drops out the ship? Nice work.
My most recent flashes were "Call Light Resonse" in 2013 & "Ghost Motel 11" in 2005. I have been gone for awhile (2005-2011). Any posts or reviews made by "Violet-AIM" from 5-05 to 01-30-11 were not from me since somebody else got into my account
Joined on 11/14/00