Great idea and flash movie. But I am a bit disappointed that you (MarkMcPherson) decided to have someone else make the flash for you. It didn't look like it was something you couldn't do (if u did the storyboards, u can do the movie). It kind of shows lack of confidence in yourself, as an artist/animator. You're an A+ author with a high batting average and you got 22 awards, and you still have doubts about yourself? About ppl criticizing you for your artwork before, don't listen to them. Ppl will always complain about something, so don't take it too personally. If anything, they're just jealous how well you've done with yourself at NG. I hope you get back to drawing/animating on your own two feet, like you did before, cause I have more respect for authors that do. And if you're talking about improving your art, how is it going to get better(not that it has to) by having someone else do it for you. Well you do what you like, just have more confidence in yourself, you're doing just fine. :)