Very good point made. Your words (author's comments) speak a lot louder than this flash. The flash could've been longer, since this was way too short. I didn't realize that the CEO's of other countries weren't as bad as the ones in America. It's pretty sad to see people struggling in poverty and living on minimum wage, when there are people living luxuriously with their excess wealth. Survival of the fittest isn't fair, but it could be worse, like in communism, where your extra effort doesn't benefit your situation. But I could be wrong, since I wouldn't know what it's like to live in a communist society. Aside from that, at least in a democracy, there are more freedoms and choices that we have here, which we can take for granted, where other countries have more restrictions and less rights. I don't think there's a perfect governement that exists, but we can settle for the closest thing that works.