That was interesting, though a bit depressing. I disagree about love being a joke though. Not that it really matters what I say, but here's my 2 cents. Before the earth was created, we were all in paradise(spiritual garden of Eden), then we committed a sin in heaven and were cast down to this earth (a spiritual prison). But there were two kinds of sinners/children. Rebellious ones (children of Satan) who intentionally broke the law and deceived ones who unintentionally (children of God being deceived) broke the law. Heaven, being a perfect place means that any sin/law breaking committed, means you are expelled. Those who really loved God would repent and obey God's commands, understand/hear the truth and secret to eternal life (returning home), and the rest, well, they were never meant to return since they intentionally went against God and were just mere "animals" meant to be destroyed anyways. So life on earth is just a prison, you have to serve your time, and in the end, you get either "life" or "death", depending on which path you take, but the right path is a very narrow path, which only very few know and were meant to know.