View Profile Violet-AIM

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What a way to put down stick figures, with the "Stick Slayer". This is one of the best movies mocking stick figures. I myself don't care for stick figures because they tend to be made with very little effort rather than well drawn characters. This was good, nice story, and long too. I especailly liked that part where all the sticks meet the slayer in a duel for the death, how they were all on this battefield. Stick Headquarters...that's funny.


Ya know, I thought I saw more of this Eskimo movie series yesterday. It looks like there's only two, according to the "other movies" thing. Wasn't there one called "Let's go club a seal" or something? Oh well. Nice job, the graphics are okay, kinda simple, but it's the style for the series I guess....I liked the voices, you should have more voices in it.

AlanMidas responds:

Yeah actually there's two of us who make them. toma13 is the other one, he would heave posted let's go club a seal.

hahaha!! This was FUNNY!!

"Destination Egg"....well, it sure wasn't what I expected, not only was it about a natural situation, but it had humor to it. Who really thinks about what the poor sperm have to suffer in a situation like this. Way to go!!!


I gave you a 5 since this was your first submission here and you seem to have gotten a lot of mean reviews from some viewers. Anyways, keep working on flash and you'll probably get better. It did make me laugh cause it was silly in a stupid way. I think you should've showed the guy actually using the knife on him.

Nice joke

That was sick (in a good way), but would it really work? I'm not sure how the whole toilet system works, how if you flushed, if dirty tank water would spread into the toilet bowl. Maybe I just don't bother to pay attention to the toilet. Sort of a short movie though.

this alright

Those two guys look like the guys from the movie "SLC Punk"....why, cause one guy has the blue hair, the other guy (Bob)has the black mohawk. Also, the whole punk/anarchy symbol thing also made me think of that movie. That's not a bad thing, just made me think of them. Why did you end the movie with just a plain white screen?

WOLFMAN7 responds:

Yeah the whole idea kinda thing came from SLC punk, because i like that movie alot, and i like cool kids by screeching weasel so i put them both together!

My most recent flashes were "Call Light Resonse" in 2013 & "Ghost Motel 11" in 2005. I have been gone for awhile (2005-2011). Any posts or reviews made by "Violet-AIM" from 5-05 to 01-30-11 were not from me since somebody else got into my account





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