it's okay
Just a skater flash (not a fan of skate movies), but it's only 60k, and doesn't take long to watch.
it's okay
Just a skater flash (not a fan of skate movies), but it's only 60k, and doesn't take long to watch.
not bad
That was a pretty powerful fart!! The art was good, nice voices, another quickie.
short n sweet
That was funny, even though it was too short.
That was funny. One guy has vampire teeth, lol. Some interesting looking people. The ending was great, when he saw that thing in the toilet, "what the..."
not bad
Ghetto sticks...that's a great idea, make more, it'd be nice if the sticks had voices, then you could hear the ghetto talk.
Don't get us confused, me and xwaynecoltx are friends but we are two different people. It is my movie and he was nice enough to help me with the voices, which I really appreciate. Well I do feel quite flattered that you did a parody of my movie, gotta admit that part when that demon popped up and you had him saying that gibberish, that sounded funny. I don't know if xwaynecoltx is gonna help me with voices after seeing this parody. He found it pretty offensive. Thanks for crediting my movie, and ya I'll be making the next episode, just give me a little time to finish it before you make another parody. :)
Thought there was going to be something more than that. Was expecting something more strange. So why was he in that getup?
My most recent flashes were "Call Light Resonse" in 2013 & "Ghost Motel 11" in 2005. I have been gone for awhile (2005-2011). Any posts or reviews made by "Violet-AIM" from 5-05 to 01-30-11 were not from me since somebody else got into my account
Joined on 11/14/00