Thanks for using our music, and seems like this was a winner, you even won an award so also congrats on that, you have a pretty cool flash here, and its always nice to see some of our music used.
Thanks for using our music, and seems like this was a winner, you even won an award so also congrats on that, you have a pretty cool flash here, and its always nice to see some of our music used.
So I just noticed this and saw that one of our tracks was used, i want to first thank you for the support of our music, This does mean alot and i like your work here on this as it was pretty neat, so awsome work, and again thanks for using our music.
Well for your first its nice, my first is crap my second i did good but it was voted off, lol. i like this file but i also like the fact that you are a girl not many of them around at NG, so keep up the good work, ill be looking for your next film oh yeah my wife is so much better then me, just thaught i would tell you that you two only females i seen work from
this was neato
heheheh ok this was cool, i liked it maybe alittle longer next time lol, anyways i like your work keep it up and dont listen to the loosers with no flash i get alot of that to well im working on a fillm soon but not like my first crap i also voted u a 5 thanks for the good film lol
wow awsome
Wow that was nice good little story with good music good camera if you could say that gave it more of a scary movement well any all around nice job on the film
This was decent
Cool movie a stick movie done with abit of style atfirst i thaught not another crappy stick flick but then it got good was so funny too heheh ohwell keep up the good work.......
I love this one
Basic art = Funny stuff made me laugh all the way to the bathroom oh yeah what was the whole bathroom scene in there for hahah it was good stuff i enjoyed it.... music not bad either....oops what ever happend to the twin... ohwell.. keep up the good work
nice work
Ok took awhile to load may have been my computer but ohwell... now to the review graphics well what can i say its from other games but i guess thats what this is just a game copy funny stories and endings like the stats at begenning though keep up the work i guess lol
karma ghost yay
Kinda blueish or maybe its just me ohwell was kinda funny started to get a bit slow.. liked the sounds and music and it had a good unique style to it though loved it ... hope to see more funny stuff soon
Wow nicly put together must have took you awhile to get this is done graphics was awsome sound was sweet a great tribute to Final Fantasy i do remember playing ff the ones from your preloader it was alot of fun heheh anyway great movie ... keep up the great work.
My most recent flashes were "Call Light Resonse" in 2013 & "Ghost Motel 11" in 2005. I have been gone for awhile (2005-2011). Any posts or reviews made by "Violet-AIM" from 5-05 to 01-30-11 were not from me since somebody else got into my account
Joined on 11/14/00